Sight Reading Success for SA Voices

A Daily Workout for Developing Confident Choirs
Series: Methodology Chorals
Format: Softcover Media Online
Composers: Stan McGill, Morris Stevens

This choral sight-reading resource is designed to help the secondary choir students improve their music literacy skills. With 170 SA exercises divided into 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 measure sets, even beginning groups can develop advanced skills over a relatively short period of time. The exercises are also available as a download for projecting to a screen or distributing to students via print or tablet as well as reference audio played on a keyboard.

View Instrumentation $39.99

Sight-Reading Success

A Daily Workout for Developing Confident Choirs
Series: Methodology Chorals
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Format: Softcover Media Online
Authors: Stan McGill, Morris Stevens

Now available for SSA voices, this choral sight-reading resource is designed to help secondary choir students improve their music literacy skills. With 140 SSA exercises divided into 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 measure sets, even beginning groups can develop advanced skills over a relatively short period of time. The exercises are included in the book and as a free download for projecting to a screen or distributing to students via print or tablet. Also includes reference audio played on a keyboard.

View Instrumentation $39.99

Sight Reading Success

A Daily Workout for Developing Confident Choirs
Authors: Stan McGill, Morris Stevens

This choral sight-reading resource is designed to help secondary choir students improve their music literacy skills. With 180 SATB exercises divided into 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 measure sets, even beginning groups can develop advanced skills over a relatively short period of time. The exercises are included in the book and as a free download for projecting to a screen or distributing to students via print or tablet.



Blueprint for the Exceptional Choral Program
Series: Methodology Chorals
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Medium: Softcover with CD
Author: Elizabeth Volk
Author: Stan McGill

Excellence is not something stumbled upon by accident. You won't achieve great things while flailing about in paperwork nor partake of true musical artistry by folly. Success requires a concrete plan of action: a big-picture plan followed by all the little details that, together, create a complex mosaic that forms a beautiful and intricxate picture of choral excellence. This practical text offers a wealth of information for running a choral program. The two successful veteran teachers offer advice for dozens of solutions to issues facing the choral director. Includes a CD-ROM of bonus material, an introduction by Paul Salamunovich, and 11 chapters.

$24.95 (US)
Inventory # HL 08745729
ISBN: 1423420438
UPC: 884088111236
Width: 6
Length: 9
252 pages


Series: Methodology Chorals
Medium: Book w/CD
Book and CD pack
Authors: Stan McGill & H. Morris Stevens, Jr.

This handy one volume Book/CD is designed to prepare the entry level singer to sharpen their sight-reading skills by providing them with materials for individual study. The CD comes with MP3 files, for student-friendly practice on the computer or MP3 player.

$19.95 (US)
Inventory # HL 08746851
ISBN: 1423452992
UPC: 884088135669
Width: 8
Length: 11
64 pages


Composed by McGill & Stevens
Instrumentation: Book w/CD
Catalog number: ALLI AMC 2010
Authors: Stan McGill & H. Morris Stevens, Jr.

This sight reading workbook targets the secondary choir student preparing for vocal sight reading auditions. There are several sight reading methods that could be used. These include moveable do solfege, fixed do solfege, numbers, etc. It is the hope of the authors that with daily usage, this workbook will build the singer's confidence and sharpen sight reading skills as they prepare for sight reading auditions. The eight-measure exercises are a combination of original compositions and prior sight reading audition examples. The key signatures were selected to fit the comfortable vocal range of each voice part. The helpful hints are compilations of nearly fifty years of successful secondary choral teaching.

This workbook is designed to prepare secondary choir students for sight reading auditions by providing them with materials for individual study. The book is designed to give the student three exercises a day, five days a week for eighteen weeks. This is the equivalent of a school semester. Each week's exercises progress in difficulty.

The warm-up exercises are designed with two possible uses in mind. First, the novice will find the easier exercises very helpful in developing confidence and security in the sight reading process. The exercises have no intervals larger than a major 2nd, and therefore, develop strength in sequencing syllables together. Second, the exercises also are intended to be used by the experienced reader any time during the 90 day program for review or confidence building.

Rehearsal CD: The CD track number beside each exercise refers the singer to the correct keyed accompanied track for that particular exercise. On each track, the singer will hear a tonic triad in broken style, followed by the starting pitch, then thirty seconds of silence. After the period of silence, the tonic triad in broken style will be replayed, followed by the starting pitch.

$14.95 (US) 136 pages


Composed by McGill & Stevens
Instrumentation: Book w/CD
Catalog number: AMC 2013
Authors: Stan McGill & H. Morris Stevens, Jr.

Another 90 Days to Sight Reading Success is a collaborative effort of Stan McGill and H. Morris Stevens, Jr. to provide students with training exercises to serve as preparation for the competitive sight reading experience. It was written as a result of numerous requests from students who found success using their original book 90 Days to Sight Reading Success. The premise of this book parallels its predecessor. There are notable changes based on feedback from those who have used the original, guided practice with each week organized by theme and the utilization of improved and expanded CD tracks. The helpful hints are a compilation of instructions the two directors provided for their own students involved in individual sight reading and auditions. It is the authors' hope that students and teachers alike will find this book as equally rewarding as their first edition and useful in preparing for sight reading competitions.

$14.95 (US)
125 pages

Stuck in the Middle (School Choir) With You

Where do current middle school and high school choir directors find choral music literature for their ensembles? Reading sessions are a wonderful resource for cutting edge pieces by many wonderful composers; however reading sessions are limited to pieces written/printed in the past year! There is a wealth of choral music composed in the last half of the 20th century that deserves to remain on the forefront of today’s choral ensembles. Works by classic choral composers, the lifeblood of our previous generation, are either temporarily or permanently out of print, and dangerously close to being forgotten.

Stuck in the middle (school choir) With You is an anthology of some of these wonderful pieces, and the composers/arrangers who penned them.

The Greatest Generation... of Choral Music

Where do current middle school and high school choir directors find choral music literature for their ensembles? Reading sessions are a wonderful resource for cutting edge pieces by many wonderful composers; however reading sessions are limited to pieces written/printed in the past year! There is a wealth of choral music composed in the last half of the 20th century that have withstood the test of time. Composers such Dello Joio, Pinkham, Butler, Duson, Jennings, Fetler, Bright, Fissenger, Young, Diemer and Nystedt (and many more) have written countless of worthy, beautiful pieces that deserve to remain on the forefront of today’s choral ensembles. Many of these pieces are either temporarily out of print (TOP) or permanently out of print (POP). Works by these classic choral composers, the lifeblood of our previous generation, are not only being shoved aside to make room for newer octavos by current composers but are dangerously close to being forgotten. Hundreds of choral works, by dozens of composers who either are no longer with us or no longer composing, have taken a back seat to make room for current octavos.

This anthology focuses on some of these wonderful pieces and the composers who penned them.